• Walk or lightly run for three to five minutes to slightly loosen and prepare muscles for direct stretching.
  • Hold each stretch for two to ten seconds.
  • Repeat each stretch two to ten times or as many times as needed until muscles feel loose and ready to play.
  • The shorter the stretch is held, the more repetitions should be made. The longer a stretch is held, the fewer repetitions should be made. For example, a stretch held for two seconds should be repeated ten times or a stretch held for ten seconds should be repeated two times.
  • Mild discomfort means the muscles are being stretched.
  • Do not bounce. Relax and exhale.

Stretching the Leg:

  • Bend at the waist with both legs together and straight and with both feet flat. Attempt to touch the ground with your fingertips.
  • Bend at the waist with the right leg crossed over the left and with both feet flat on the ground. Keeping both legs straight, attempt to touch the ground with your fingertips.
  • Bend at the waist with the left leg crossed over the right and with both feet flat on the ground. Keeping both legs straight, attempt to touch the ground with your fingertips.
  • Bend at the waist with legs spread wide apart and Reach for the left ankle with the right hand.
  • Bend at the waist with legs spread wide apart and Reach for the right ankle with the left hand.

Note: for all of the stretches mentioned above, do not bend the legs or bounce

  • Stand straight up and pull the left ankle behind the back and upwards with the left hand.
  • Stand straight up and pull the right ankle behind the back and upwards with the right hand.