We are a team of regular people and recreational athletes. We have learned (and continue to learn) from experience and professionals in the health care and fitness industries about the importance of stretching. We have learned that stretching is not only important for athletes (professional or otherwise) but also for people who want to do more than lie or sit around all day. If muscles are not stretched regularly (more specifically, daily), they tighten. Tightened muscles lead to restricted mobility and increased potential for injury from attempting even the most basic movements, like reaching for a cup from the kitchen cabinet! Our goal is to share information on basic stretches and strategies to incorporate stretching into a daily routine. We believe many people are interested in maximizing range of motion and injury prevention both now and as they age. We have asked various professionals to share their knowledge through brief articles and videos and posted them for your benefit.  If you are in the healthcare or fitness industry, and would like to share articles or videos with our followers, please contact us. In parting, we encourage everyone to “Get to stretching!”